

NAHS State Conference in March 2018 at USC Columbia

Beach Sweep 2017!

On October 21, NAHS members, along with Beta club, went to the beaches and volunteered to clean trash. Groups of students were given a sheet to record and categorize their findings. This event took place on October 21st at Ocean Lakes Campground from 9:00am-12:00pm. NAHS members who went, received community service for the amount of hours they were there for.

NAHS at the Beach Sweep
NAHS members pose for a picture


Creepy Scary Treats for SHS Staff!

On October 2nd, NAHS members brought in their creative treats they decided to make, and provided them for the SHS staff at the afterschool faculty meeting.

NAHS at the Beach Sweep
This is an example of a treat brought in.


SHS Logo Mural for New Principal Mr.Jeremy Rich's office

Members are in the process of drawing and paintng the SHS logo (the "S" with the sphere)in Mr.Rich's office. They have been working on it since October and continue to do so on Tuesdays during the weekly meetings.

NAHS at the Beach Sweep
NAHS members projected the image onto the wall and traced it.


SHS Department Letters

Members measured out the letters that spell out each department at Socastee. Once the measurements are layed out and the letters cut, NAHS along with art club, will paint them black to hang in the hallways.

NAHS at the Beach Sweep
This is an art club member working on the project.