
What is HOSA?

Founded in 1976, HOSA is a non-profit, student-led organization of future health professionals. As the largest international organization for students who hope to pursue a career in the medical field, HOSA hopes to develop leadership and technical skills amongst members through the use of health-related events among schools and through leadership conferences across the country. HOSA also provides opportunities for students to improve academic skills, leadership abilities and teamwork to prepare students for success, from classroom to career.

Why join HOSA?

Through joining HOSA, you can:

  • Meet students interested in medicine from all across the state (and the world!)
  • Learn about new opportunities, developments and advancements in medicine
  • Win hundreds of dollars in scholarships
  • Compete for a chance to win a state and international title
  • Participate in medical-related activities at Socastee
  • Do much more!

Socastee High School HOSA

The Socastee High School HOSA has a President, a Vice President and two Historians. You can see the full list of officers here.

Having been created in 2014, the Socastee HOSA chapter is still relatively new. Up to date, we have had:

  • 2 State Gold Medalists
  • 1 State Silver Medalist
  • 2 State Bronze Medalists